Does Your Child Snore?
Posted on March 16, 2014 by Dr. Robb Heinrich
Recently my 8 year old daughter, Lauren, had her tonsils and adenoids out. She did so well and I was so proud of her being so brave. The surgery was not nearly as traumatic as we thought it would be and the post op was fairly benign. I struggled with whether my wife and I were making the right choice to put my little girl through this but now I am so happy we did. So why did we consider having her tonsils out in the first place? Well, she snored! Yes, my beautiful little girl made obnoxious noises from her nose and throat as she slept. If she would ever sleep in our room I would often wake up several times a night to her snoring. Many times I thought it was my wife snoring (yes she snores too and has been tested for sleep apnea and does not have it) and I would exclaim “Honey! Roll over!” Only to find out that Lauren had sneaked into our bed in the middle of the night…and it was not my wife snoring but it was my pretty little girl! The reason we decided to have her tonsils out is simple. Children should NOT SNORE, AT ALL! Snoring in kids could be a sign of a sleep related breathing disorder. When this occurs kids may not be getting the deep sleep they need to be refreshed for a full day. Poor sleep or lack of sleep can decrease the release of Growth Hormone which kids need for proper physical and mental development. Other signs to look for in your kiddos is if they seem to lack concentration during school with poor attention span that can lead to poor grades. Are their blankets all bunched up at the foot of their bed in the morning-a sign of restless sleep. Do they have bags under their eyes, do they seem to breathe through their mouths more than their nose. In fact many kids are misdiagnosed with ADD or ADHD when in reality they are suffering from a poor night’s sleep. We all love our children more than anything in the world. Do them a huge service. After they are sleeping go to their rooms and listen to them sleep. Listen to hear if they snore, even if it is a quiet snore. Listen to hear if they grind their teeth, another sign of restless sleeping. Look in the morning if their bedding is in complete disarray. Take note if they seem sleepy often like in the afternoon when other kids are out playing about. If any of this hits home talk to your kids’ pediatrician. If you don’t get the answers you are looking for call Dr Elliott or myself, Dr Heinrich and we can help direct you. We screen all our kiddos at their cleaning appointments for any signs of sleep related breathing disorders. As your kid’s dentist if they do too! Lauren recovered nicely and besides being off from school for a week, which she did not complain about, she would tell you that having her tonsils out was not that bad. I don’t hear her snore anymore and I feel very comfortable with our decision to have her tonsils and adenoids out. Sleep well. Robb.